Neck stretches
A Keeping shoulders still, gently stretch left ear to the left shoulder, lifting the right ear skywards.
B Hold for 6 breaths and repeat on the right side.
Chest stretch
A On right side stretch the straight arm up and back at a 45º angle behind the head.
B Repeat on the left side.
Upper back stretch
A Place both hands, palms down on stable object.
B Keeping arms straight, bend knees and drop buttocks toward the ground.
Front shoulder stretch
A Place right hand behind back as if scratching the left side of your lower back. Use left hand to secure your right hand into your lower back.
B As you breathe in, gently push your right elbow as far behind you as possible. Repeat for the left side.
Rear shoulder stretch
A Push your straight right arm in front of you as far as you can reach.
B Push it across your chest and apply gentle overpressure to the outside of your right elbow with your left arm. Repeat for the other side.
Forearm flexors
A Place your arm straight out in front, palm facing upwards.
B With your other hand gently pull your wrist backwards towards the ground. Repeat for the other side.
Forearm extensors
A Place your arm straight out in front, fist clenched with thumb on top.
B With your other hand reach around your fist and gently pull your wrist towards your chest.
Side stretch
A Clasp hands together and push arms up towards the sky.
B Push you right palm higher and bend your spine gently to the left. Repeat for the other side.
Torso rotation
A Start with elbows bent, arms at chest level.
B Slowly turn to the right then back slowly to the left (you may hold a towel between hands for stability).
Hip flexors
A From a kneeling position step forward with the left leg, leaving bent right knee on the ground.
B Keep back straight & gently move bodyweight forward at the hips, stretching through the groin and thigh of the right leg on the ground. Repeat for the other leg.
Lower back curl
A Lie on your back with knees bent together and feet on the floor.
B Slowly contract your abdominals to curl both knees toward chest. Using both hands gently press knees into chest and raise head and shoulders off the ground.